BUiLT Member | Virtual Speed Networking

Networking is a key element of BUiLT but recent circumstances have made in-person networking difficult, to say the least. So we are doing Virtual Speed Networking events instead. These unique events will have a maximum of 10 participants (including the moderator) and all participants will get an opportunity to chat it up with every other participant in a 1 on 1 setting.
Here’s how it works. The moderator will give all participants a question to answer then split the participants into 1 on 1 breakout rooms. Participants will have 5 minutes to introduce themselves, tell each other their answer to the question, and just chat. Answering the question is optional but encouraged. After 5 minutes all participants will return to the main lobby where they will get another question and be put in a new breakout room with a different partner.
This will continue for 10 questions, ensuring that all the participants have met at least once in a 1 on 1 setting. After that we will have open networking with 5 breakout rooms available for participants to jump in and out of as they see fit, for the remainder of the time.
Doesn’t that sound fun.
All attendees are expected to follow our event code of conduct & anti-harassment policy found here: https://builtinternational.org/event-code-of-conduct/.
Event Details
This event is for BUiLT members only.
Please sign in below to request the event details / meeting link. You will need to use the email that you used for your BUiLT membership registration. If you do not remember your password please use the reset password option.
Space for this event is limited to 10 participants. Members may join at any time after the event start time. Once all of the spots are taken anyone attempting to join will get a message informing them that the event is full.
Please email the event host at cstubblefield@builtintl.org if you are having any issues.