Nashville | New Orleans | New York | North Texas - Dallas | Philadelphia | San Antonio | San Diego | San Francisco | Seattle | Twin Cities | Washington D.C. | London | Greater China | Toronto
Blacks United in Leading Technology has member-organized chapters, worldwide. Each chapter is “chartered”, operating with a common set of guiding principles and governance, but with a local flair for each community.
What is a local BUiLT Forward chapter?
A Platform
for Networking
Advance your career, start or grow your tech enterprise, or find innovative ways to hire the best talent through a local BUiLT chapter. One of the greatest resources for professional and personal development is to interchange with colleagues in the same field. At BUiLT chapters, you gain new information on state-of-the-art technology, have access to others’ experiences and knowledge, and you get the opportunity to broaden your insights.
Expand your knowledge in the "tech experience" at local BUiLT chapter meetings. Chapters bring continuous education opportunities, discounted tech certifications, and open forums on the latest tech trends.
Get a mentor, receive scholarships, and continue to hone your tech skills to their sharpest dimensions.
True Tech Equity
Get opportunities to enter the tech field and find employees for your team at local chapter events. Technologist and tech business leaders have special events and get access to special learning.
Give back to others and the next generation by speaking, leading or donating to local Chapters. Involvement at the local level allows Black people to develop true tech equity.
An Innovative Environment
Meet new Black technologists in local BUiLT Chapters. Have fun with thousands of Black men and women in tech. Events include tech talks on the hottest trends; programs from our entrepreneurial series, and training on improving your soft skills. Lucky event attendees win door prizes frequently offered from our sponsors.
Check our event calendars as we offer numerous in-person networking events where true innovation happens face-to-face.
Global Audience
BUiLT International represents thousands of Black professionals and students with and pursuing technical degrees from West Point, Harvard, MIT, Yale, Stanford and thousands of other similar, prestigious universities and community colleges.